Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Almost Christmas!

There are only 4 days left until Christmas, and I can't wait! I've bought and made all except one gift, and I'm excited to give all of them! Since my family members don't read my blog, I thought I'd post what I'm giving, just for fun :)
Dad: An inflatable travel neck pillow ( for his trip to Russia!) and a ridiculous singing Reese's moose ( his favorite candy....I might have to post a video of's that obnoxiously cute :)

Mom: Project Hopeful "It's not about me" pendant ( she's gonna love it!!)

Uncle Danny ( aka. World's best uncle!!): A really cool heart shaped puzzle that pulls apart to say "I love you" best part? it's from Ten Thousand Villages , so it's fair trade!

Buddy ( big brother): Moxie ( a really ickie Maine soda....for some weird reason he like it :P)

Sarah: Homemade brown sugar body scrub :)

Josh: a new game

Gemini: some cute flower bobby pins ( handmade) and a gift certificate to our favorite little coffeeshop

Anna: A knitted flower necklace (super cute and 6-year-old-girl-ish)

Michael: A homemade purple teddy bear (purple is his favorite color....but for the nose, paws, and feet, I used camo :)

AHHH...... now to wrap them all :)

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