Really random picture to start a post off with, right? Actually, it's a visible, tangible reminder to me of God's great provision. I bought a pair of boots two years ago. Simple black pull-on boots. Not "uggs" or anything fancy. I wore them to church, shopping, babysitting, pretty much everywhere I could go that didn't require dressy shoes ( because let's face it, pretty as they are, nobody wants to be outside in a Maine winter wearing pretty girly heels :). Basically, I wore them out, quite literally. Much of the toe was actually worn away...not all the way through, but close. The soles were separating...meaning that every time I walked in snow or through a puddle, my feet were soaked and freezing. Ok, in previous years, it would have been really easy for me to spend a week's pay on a new pair of boots. It's a need, right? This year, though, things are different. Aside from necessities and educational expenses, I'm trying to put everything I make toward the adoptions....making "necessity" a very flexible sort of word. So, I put off buying boots....I sharpied the toes so others couldn't see the white inner part under the black. And I continued to wear them. A few people noticed and remarked, but still, I couldn't bring myself to buy new boots. And then, last night, my grandmother just happened to mention that she had a pair of boots that didn't fit her . Would I like them? oh yes! :D Are they perfect? no. Are they the most fashionable things ever? definitely not. But, they're warm, dry, and cozy, they fit just right, and God provided them just for me. I love being His child, knowing that He is providing every single need. He is so very, very good to me!
What a wonderful story! God is very good :)