Monday, September 12, 2011

Shadows are beautiful things

One of our afternoons in Russia was spent outdoors, simply walking, playing frisbee, and enjoying each other's company. It was on that afternoon that I found my little brother's great enjoyment in cameras- I let him take one picture, and the next 20 minutes was spent walking with him, the camera hung from a strap around my neck and also around his. I spent those minutes seeing the world through Thomas' eyes. We took pictures of trees, of houses, of people, of anything and nothing. I wish I could share with you all the pictures we took- one of his favorite subjects was my little sister, Juliana. I'm not allowed to share their pictures with you yet, but I included one that really touched me. A simple shadow. You probably can't tell, but that shadow is me with my brother at the end of a long summer afternoon walk. It summed up my feelings pretty well. Now, this time while we're waiting and working for my brother and sister to come home, it's just a shadow. We're not going to be separated forever, even though some days ( already, yes I know it's only been 2 weeks :) it feels like a long time. Someday soon, we'll be a family, together forever and eternity. Even then, though, it's just a shadow of the REAL life we'll share together. Our prayer is not to just share our hearts and home with Thomas and Juliana. Far more important, our desire is to share our eternal home in heaven with them. Not just that they might dwell with us and live a happy life, but that Christ might dwell in them, and they may live a truly joy-filled life. Please pray for them in this shadow-time. Please pray that their hearts will be prepared and softened even now for Christ to work in them. Thank you!

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