Monday, December 5, 2011

Saving Trees and Killing Children?

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I was recently listening to my local Christian radio station, and heard for the first time the song "While You Were Sleeping" by Casting Crowns. It talks about how we've sort of "fallen asleep"- how we're now longer living in and looking for Christ's power in and through our easy American lives- we've left no room for our King. The song talks about how we've allowed philosophies in- philosophies that "save the trees and kill the children". At first I was shocked- but it's so true! Now, let me preface this by saying that I'm a bit of a "hippie" ( a good kind, not the weed smoking type :P) I love good, raw, organic food, I use reusable shopping bags, and try to live responsibly in this beautiful world that God has given us. However, I think that being responsible with the planet tends to be much more publicized than an issue much closer to God's heart- being responsible with precious lives. What is the point of "leaving a better earth to our children" if there are no children to leave it to? I know it's not a fun thought-but, just like rescuing orphans, it's one of the most important missions in the believer's life. What can we do this week to make a difference in the fight for life?


  1. Casting Crowns did a great job of capturing our cultural climate in one line! So true.

  2. yes! They certainly know how to make people think!
