Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Ok, just in case anybody was wondering, I am not a perfect sister. Not even close. Guess what? I am such an imperfect sister that sometimes I get mad at my siblings and lose my temper, spilling out angry words. Is it wrong? Definitely. Do I always regret it later? Of course! But do you know, the first thing to tumble out of my mouth once I realize I was wrong is not the tender apologies that should be there. No, it's so much easier to say," I'm sorry, I was wrong. I was just so overwhelmed, or her attitude really provoked me...." I'm probably the only one that struggles with this ( : -D ), but I was really challenged by what my mom said to me. She very simply said, "Her sin or your difficulty can't justify your sin." At first of course, I wanted to fight for my "right" to explain myself......until I realized how right she was. It is so easy, whether verbally or internally to walk away on the outside, but on the inside always be justifying and making excuses for our sin. Because we're afraid to call it what it is. Sin. We're afraid because if we call it what it is, we'll need to change it.....and that isn't fun. Or easy. Nor does it vindicate our poor, victimized version of "me". But it's time to fight against that mentality- that we're ok because of our circumstances, or because another person was just as wrong.  We are responsible for fighting the good fight that God has given us. If you're a stay-at-home daughter, that probably means fighting yourself so that you can be a better servant to your family. Here is a verse God gave me this morning, as I struggled with this war against see, mighty men have fought this fight-and won! Only because of this: "Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:" ~ Psalm 144:1

The basic point of the post is this: we all make mistakes, and it is so easy to justify "me". But it's wrong. And it is ALWAYS worth the fight to do it God's way- because He, not "me", is my strength.

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